Opportunity for Feedback on the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation

With gratitude for ALL the community input received throughout the Bathhouse Rehabilitation process, you should know that the Final Survey for the Barton Springs Bathhouse concept is now open!

Please give feedback on the proposed concept for the historic Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation project by filling out the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/bathhousefinalsurvey. It’s short and sweet!


Bathhouse Rehab Project Community Meeting (August 14, 2018) — Join Us!

As a friendly reminder, please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, August 14, 2018 (6-7:30pm at Zilker Botanical Gardens) for a Project Values and Program Workshop Community Meeting to discuss the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation project.  At the meeting, city staff and the design architects (Limbacher & Godfrey) will to provide an update and discuss the bathhouse design issues to get community feedback and input.

Through the meetings thus far, we have emphasized the importance of making environmental education a key part of any final bathhouse design that improves the visitor experience.  In the community, there is strong agreement that the best and only way to preserve Barton Springs is by dramatically increasing our education efforts and public outreach to our growing population to educate the citizens and local officials about the threats to the Edwards Aquifer and Barton Springs, and how we as a community can protect it for future generations.  Currently, the competing needs at the bathhouse are in conflict and are squeezing the educational function, so we want expanded and improved education to be part of the bathhouse and any visitor education center.  Generally speaking, this can be achieved by advocating for the following design outcomes:

  1.  Implement the Master Plan’s recommendations for:
  •          returning the main entrance to the original entrances at the central rotunda,
  •          upgrading the gallery and creating a Visitor Center to provide a central organizing experience for all pool visitors, and
  •          updating the dressing areas and reconfiguring public restrooms for improved comfort and accessibility while respecting their historic architectural heritage.
  1. Implement the Feasibility Study’s detailed recommendations for protecting, enhancing and expanding the environmental education programming at the Bathhouse and/or a Visitor Education Center to improve the visitor experience by:
  •          reopening the rotunda entrances to enhance the entrance experience and to include environmental education exhibits, preferably while maintaining the current entrance,
  •          reopening (and restoring?) the Women’s Dressing Area to the extent possible,
  •          maintaining at least part of the central rotunda space and former basket room for public access (e.g., exhibits, environmental education, etc.), and
  •          dramatically increasing our education efforts and public outreach to our growing population to educate the citizens and local officials about the threats to the Edwards Aquifer and Barton Springs, and how we as a community can protect it for future generations, since this is the best and only way to preserve Barton Springs,
  •          providing visitor education to address the environmental impact of sunscreen and “best practices” for minimizing impact,
  •          reducing impervious cover and/or improving water quality outcomes as part of the overall process.

These seem like good guiding design values that leave plenty of room for design options that can be developed by the architects.

For the latest information on the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation project, be sure to visit the city’s Bathhouse Rehabilitation website for information on project goals and timeline for upcoming community meetings where you can join the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, Public Works Department, and other Barton Springs Stakeholders to provide input for the design process for the historic Barton Springs Bathhouse, extending the work of the Barton Springs Pool Master Plan, the Zilker Park Bathhouse Zone Feasibility Study, and 2012 Bond Package.

“Children’s Facilities” Focus Group Meeting — McBeth Recreation Center on Nov. 5 (6pm)

Please join us on November 5, 2015 at 6:00 PM at McBeth Recreation Center for the second Focus Group Meeting to discuss the Children’s Facilities goals, priorities, and solutions in connection with potential Zilker Park Improvements within the Barton Springs Bathhouse Zone.  This will be the third meeting from the City of Austin’s scheduled public engagement topic meetings which include:

  • October 27th, 2015 — Open House from 6:00-8:00 PM at Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • November 3rd — Environmental/Infrastructure Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM McBeth Recreation Center
  • November 5th — Children’s Facilities Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM McBeth Recreation Center
  • November 12th — Bathhouse Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • November 18th — Review and Alternatives, 6:00-9:00 PM Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • December 9th Draft Recommendations, 6:00-9:00 PM location TBD

The agenda for the November 5, 2015 Children’s Facilities Focus Group Meeting is set forth below:

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introductions and Structure of the Meeting (5 min)
  2. Project Summary (5 min)
  3. Presentation- Bathhouse Zone Plan and Overview of Constraints (10 min)
  4. Small Group Discussions (20 min each)
    1. Playscape issues, such as replacing or expanding playscape equipment with safe, modern, natural, age appropriate structures (e.g., natural, faux, or manmade structures).
    2. Children’s Amenities & Other Facilities issues, such as children’s restroom facilities at different locations in the park,
    3. Environmental Education issues, such as the adequacy and improvement of the environmental and water quality education provided at the Sheffield Center and Splash! Exhibit, safe bus loading, and the interaction between Splash! and education classrooms and other sites in the area.
  5. Share Responses (10 minutes)

Public Engagement Meetings for Barton Springs/Zilker Park Improvement Projects

Please join us on November 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM at McBeth Recreation Center for the first Focus Group Meeting to discuss the Environmental and Infrastructure goals, priorities, and solutions in connection with potential Zilker Park Improvements within the Barton Springs Bathhouse Zone.  This will be the first focus group meeting from the City of Austin’s scheduled public engagement topic meetings which include:

  • October 27th, 2015 — Open House from 6:00-8:00 PM at Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • November 3rd — Environmental/Infrastructure Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM McBeth Recreation Center
  • November 5th — Children’s Facilities Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM McBeth Recreation Center
  • November 12th — Bathhouse Focus Group, 6:00-9:00 PM Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • November 18th — Review and Alternatives, 6:00-9:00 PM Zilker Botanical Gardens
  • December 9th Draft Recommendations, 6:00-9:00 PM location TBD

Following up to the October 27 Open House meeting, each topic meeting will provide an introduction, project summary, and a presentation overview of the Bathhouse Zone Plan and applicable constraints in the area.  The agenda for the November 3, 2015 Environmental/Infrastructure Focus Group Meeting is set forth below:

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introductions and Structure of the Meeting (5 min)
  2. Project Summary (5 min)
  3. Presentation- Bathhouse Zone Plan and Overview of Constraints (10 min)
  4. Small Group Discussions (15 min each)
    1. Parking issues, such as traffic flow and parking improvements, including the idea of improving drainage and reducing impervious cover from the north side driveway and parking lot area by converting the turnaround area in front of the bathhouse into a greenfield-type drainage area.
    2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation issues, such as trail connections and conflicts,
    3. Amenities and Concessions, such as how/whether the Café, Zilker Zephyr, and Boat Rental concessions fit/work in the area.
    4. Environment issues, such as federal permit requirements for maintaining endangered species habitat (salamander), education and Splash! requirements, trees, water quality zone and drainage requirements, and floodplain requirements.
  5. Share Responses (10 minutes)

We Did It! Council Unanimously Approves Grounds Improvements

Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you to everyone who called, emailed, and attended meetings over the years, and especially in the last few months during the final push for approval.

Last night, after a long day of waiting, the City Council opened the public hearing on the SOS Ordinance amendments that would allow the Grounds Improvements projects to go forward.  Around 11:30 pm, after hearing from a variety of stakeholders, including FBSP board and members, the City Council voted unanimously to approve the amendment!

Through many rounds of revisions to the plans, all stakeholders were able to come to an agreement to approve the plans going forward.  This included a meeting just earlier this week, called by Councilmember Laura Morrison, at which representatives from a variety of groups met at the pool, and were able to agree on a new, better location for the ADA access overlook so that disabled patrons can enjoy the views of the South Lawn.

We could not be more excited to see these worthy projects finally on the path to completion. If all goes well, construction will begin in October 2013.

If you would like to email the City Council members to thank them for their vote, their emails are below.

Click here to email all Council members.

Lee Leffingwell (Mayor): lee.leffingwell@austintexas.gov

Sheryl Cole (Mayor Pro Tem): sheryl.cole@austintexas.gov

CM Mike Martinez: mike.martinez@austintexas.gov

CM Chris Riley: chris.riley@austintexas.gov

CM Bill Spelman: william.spelman@austintexas.gov

CM Laura Morrison: laura.morrison@austintexas.gov

CM Kathie Tovo: kathie.tovo@austintexas.gov

Today! Please Attend Council Hearing on Grounds Improvements

Today is the day! Finally, the General Grounds Improvements have come to the end of their long trip through all the public process of the boards and commissions system, and will go before the City Council for a public hearing today.

Please email the Council in support (emails below), if you support projects such as:

  • installing irrigation for the trees and lawn
  • burying the unsightly and dangerous overhead power lines
  • upgrading the electrics to provide for more efficient pool cleaning (and removing the need for using gas-powered equipment next to the pool)
  • renovating the tree court to beautify it and protect the root zones of the heritage trees
  • provide an ADA access path to the pool through the South woods

Click here and here for more details.

We hope to see you at the Council Chambers this evening – we need to show support for these needed improvements!

The Council meeting will take place today, April 11 at City Council Chambers at 201 W. 2nd Street.  Parking in the City garage off of Lavaca Street will be validated.  The amendments to allow the Grounds Improvements to go forward will be Item #82 on the agenda.

We hope to see you there!

Click here to email all Council members.

Lee Leffingwell (Mayor): lee.leffingwell@austintexas.gov

Sheryl Cole (Mayor Pro Tem): sheryl.cole@austintexas.gov

CM Mike Martinez: mike.martinez@austintexas.gov

CM Chris Riley: chris.riley@austintexas.gov

CM Bill Spelman: william.spelman@austintexas.gov

CM Laura Morrison: laura.morrison@austintexas.gov

CM Kathie Tovo: kathie.tovo@austintexas.gov