Email Jonathan Beall (service@friendsofbartonspringspool.org) FBSP Service Chair, and we’ll make sure you were there when it all started…
The second decade of the 21st century will be getting off to a great start for the planet, the pool and people who love Barton Springs as the City of Austin plans to put in plenty of new trees to spruce up the springs beginning in January. With funding from the city and APF, Austin PARD is currently acquiring 80 trees averaging 45 gallons or larger to kick off the first wave of tree planting. Those are some big young trees! The Forestry department will need lots of help to make sure these trees find their new home comfortable enough to settle into for the next century or so. So, we are looking for you who want to steward the trees, new and old (everybody needs TLC). FBSP is looking for volunteers to spend one (or one half or one quarter) Saturday in January to put down the roots for several generations
of poolside pleasure!
-Jonathan Beall, FBSP Service Chair