Volunteers are needed to help with removing flood debris at the pool, starting on Tuesday morning, May 7, (9am) for as long as it takes. Please wear clothing/shoes/gloves you do not mind getting wet, and bring some sort of water bottle to stay hydrated. FBSP will set up a table under the display case on the back wall of the bathhouse with water containers to refill when needed. Tools will be provided by BSP, and if needed, we may enlist APF to get more rakes, shovels, wheel barrels . Please meet at the bathhouse pool entrance in the morning.
Background info:
The pool was extensively damaged with flood debris scattered 1/3 of the way up the hill of the south lawn. Much of the lifeguard staff is filling wheel barrels and hauling that away. There is still a lot to haul out.
A very large pile of gravel in the pool near the north side of the down stream dam near were the pump is located. The pump took on some major damage with fencing and pump area. The 8″ dia pump inlet that was attached to the dam wall was pulled away. It is still attached but a huge section is draped over the dam wall and dangling in the creek.
They have about a dozen PARD folks filling 5 gallon buckets with gravel from that area and hauling it to the area near the upstream dam where what is left of the compost pile is. Most of the compost structural walls are damaged and all of the compost is gone. They road adjacent to the compost pile was washed out exposing some creek monitoring cables, they are filling that area with grave being removed from the pump area.
The nature trail has some flood debris that needs to be removed most of the damage is near the upstream dam on the south side were there appears to be a tree uprooted that has totally trashed the permanent gate in that area. The creek is still flooding into the pool so much of that area is not safe to work.
Watershed divers are assessing the damage in the pool. The entire pool was scoured a lot of large rocks have been jostled about, and another large deposit of gravel is in the mix in the middle deep area of the pool.