Private Pool Party at Barton Springs — AND YOU’RE INVITED!!!!

PushBroomCleaningYou’re invited to a Private Pool Party at Barton Springs Pool this coming Thursday, August 6 from 10-2!  Normally, the pool is closed to the public at this time, but we’ve arranged a special event for all our friends to join us for our “Clean The Pool” theme party.

Sign up for a shift by clicking this link ( to our VolunteerSpot signup page, and then join us at the Gala Scrubbing Event where you help Clean the Springs while the great, unwashed masses look forlornly from outside the fence, wishing they could be one of the Cool Kids invited inside to help with the pool cleaning.

Party favors include privileged access to Barton Springs, enjoyment of the cool spring waters during pushbroom cleaning of the pool bottom, a nice mid-day tan, and a sense of accomplishment in doing something nice for Barton Springs.  Plus plenty of pizza for our registered volunteers.

Hope to see you on Thursday!!!!


DSCN1079DSCN1076Cleaning pic for Picnic invite 2012

Join the Friends May 7th!

Join us May 7th, for our 1st Thursday pool cleaning! The weather is heating up and soon we’ll all be headed for the Springs in droves to cool off – so let’s give our pool some TLC to get it ready for it’s busiest season. Join the Friends of Barton Springs and sign up for a 2 hour shift between 10-2:00 pm to come help clean the pool.

You can sign up for the cleaning on VolunteerSpot, by following these easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on VolunteerSpot

2. Enter your email address:(You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)

3. Sign up! Choose your spots – VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.

You can also sign up or direct your questions to

Pool cleanings take place in two-hour from 10-12 and 12-2. We need three to ten volunteers for each shift along with experienced volunteers to serve as shift leaders.

At the seasonal monthly pool cleanings, FBSP volunteers scrub rocks, vacuum the pool bottom, clean algae off steps and railings, skim algae off the pool surface, plant flowers and help maintain the pool grounds, paint benches and trim, and generally lend a hand to make the pool and grounds as clean and beautiful as possible.

So come roll up your sleeves, bring a friend, have a snack and enjoy the company of other Barton Springs enthusiasts. We look look forward to seeing you there!

Barton Springs Cleaning Projects — RESCHEDULED FOR for Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pool staff has organized a number of projects to help with the Spring Cleaning, depending on whether the pool is drawn down on Saturday.

If the pool is full, volunteers can help remove aquatic grasses by corralling this grass in the pool and then hauling it to the compost pile. We won’t have any large Pushbroom parties because pool staff will use equipment to buff the bottom of the shallow end, but the pool sides can always be cleaned.

If the pool is drawn down, volunteers will help aerate and refresh mulch rings and planter boxes with two truckloads of mulch (one for each side of the pool), aerate South side high traffic spots and install sod grass, remove Dalis grass and burr clover invasives from lawn, trim the Muhly grasses on the South side of the pool, and trim and remove overgrowth from the nature trail. We might also help remove rocks and debris from the deep end using wheelbarrows to haul the rock/debris out.

Courtesy of a grant from Austin Parks Foundation, we will have plenty of new gardening and cleaning equipment for volunteers to use on the projects.

Prob’ly The Year’s Last Pool Cleaning — Thursday, October 2, 2014.

Please join Friends of Barton Springs Pool on Thursday, October 2, 2014 to scrub Barton Springs Pool clean.  The last big rain that swept through the pool is gone, leaving the pool a bit murky, but now that Barton Springs has been reopened, we’re hoping you’ll join us at the last volunteer cleaning opportunity for the summer season!  In addition to the usual 2-hour shifts between 10 am and 2 pm, we’ve also added two extra shifts, including a 4-6 pm shift for folks otherwise encumbered by school or work hours, so NO EXCUSES!  This is (possibly) the last glorious chance to prance about in the glorious cool spring waters, attending to the scrubbing, trimming, cleaning, weeding, and other upkeep needs of our lovely Barton Springs Pool.

So bring some friends! As always, food and refreshments will be supplied.

If you plan on attending, please email to RSVP!

You can also sign up for the cleaning on VolunteerSpot, by following these easy steps:

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:

2. Enter your email address:(You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)

3. Sign up! Choose your spots – VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.

Pool cleanings take place in two-hour from 10-12 and 12-2.  We need three to ten volunteers for each shift along with experienced volunteers to serve as shift leaders.

At the seasonal monthly pool cleanings, FBSP volunteers scrub rocks, vacuum the pool bottom, clean algae off steps and railings, skim algae off the pool surface, plant flowers and help maintain the pool grounds, paint benches and trim, and generally lend a hand to make the pool and grounds as clean and beautiful as possible.

We look look forward to seeing you there!