#Amplify ATX begins tomorrow, March 8 (6pm) through March 9 (6PM).

Please Help Amplify Friends of Barton Springs Pool!

Your gift to Amplify Friends of Barton Springs Pool will help restore, Barton Springs Pool to its rightful glory.  With your support, we can improve and maintain Barton Springs Pool through our work to organize volunteer pool cleanings, advocate on behalf of the pool, educate the public about water quality and the pool conditions, throw fun parties, and honor the pool’s sensitive environment and work to preserve and protect it so that we, and generations long after ours, can continue to enjoy the cool, clean spring waters.

Please make or schedule a supporting donation here at our Amplify Austin page.   With a small $10 or $20 donation from each Friend, we can do some great things for Barton Springs!!!!


Three Great Tips for Screening, Supporting, and Cleaning Barton Springs!!

We have three wonderful suggestions for our wonderful Friends of Barton Springs Pool for Screening, Supporting and Cleaning Barton Springs!

First, check out Living Springs’ debut screening of the “A Reflecting Pool” tomorrow (March 3 at 7 pm) at UT’s Belo Center for New Media Moody Auditorium. The film recounts the Springs’ experience from 1912 to 1962, including the little known race history of Barton Springs. The screening will also include extra screenings of “Mr. Habitat” and “Cleaning Day” which features the Barton Springs lifeguards and staff and community volunteers from the Friends of Barton Springs Pool. Addition screening event details are posted at https://www.facebook.com/events/635391156593046/.

Second, help Amplify Friends of Barton Springs Pool by making or scheduling a supporting donation at our Amplify Austin page, https://amplifyatx.ilivehereigivehere.org/FriendsOfBartonSpringsPool/overview. With a small $10 or $20 donation from each Friend, you can help restore, improve and maintain the pool through organizing, advocacy, volunteer work, education and fun.

Lastly, you can still grab a cleaning shift at our March 5 “It’s My Park Day” Spring Cleaning at Barton Springs. To register, go to the Austin Park’s Foundation’s sign-up page (https://austinparks.givepulse.com/…/16468-Barton-Springs-Po…) and when the page opens, click the “Register” link or button, enter the information for your t-shirt size, number of minors and liability form, register for your shift(s), and check the liability waiver.

We look forward to seeing you at the Springs!

Year-End Charitable Donation to Friends of Barton Springs Pool

Howdy all!

To complete your preparations for the New Year’s Day Pool Plunge into Barton Springs Pool tomorrow, please consider making a charitable donation to Friends of Barton Springs Pool today.  Any donation goes to fund projects at the Pool, pool cleanings, tools for volunteers, our tree planting initiatives, and other work toward restoring, improving and maintaining the pool and surrounding grounds through organizing, advocacy, volunteer work, education and fun.

Donations small or large are all appreciated, and can be made online today to qualify for a charitable donation in 2014 by clicking the Austin Parks Foundation donation website HERE, by choosing the box for “Barton Springs Pool, Friends of” and then filling out the donation information.

Thanks!  Happy New Year!!  And we hope to see you tomorrow at the Pool Plunge!!!

Friends of Barton Springs Pool and “Give 5% to Mother Earth” 2014

Friends of Barton Springs Pool would like to announce collaboration with Hill Country ConservancyTexas Land ConservancyTexas Campaign for the Environment FundTree Folks, Urban Roots, and Clean Water Fund in this year’s “Give 5% to Mother Earth” campaign.

“Give 5% to Mother Earth” is a campaign designed to encourage local businesses to commit to donate five percent of gross sales on Earth Day (on April 22nd this year) to the non-profits mentioned above that dedicate their time and energy into making Central Texas a better place. In return, the participating non-profit partners encourage the local community to celebrate Earth Day by supporting these businesses throughout Earth Day weekend.

Each year since inception, the campaign has doubled in profits! In all, the campaign has raised over $300,000 for our local environmental non-profit community!

Read more about the event and campaign at the “Give 5%” website, http://austingive5.com/.

If you’d like your business to participate, sign up here!

Help “Living Springs” Raise Last $1,700!

As many of you know, Karen Kocher is producing Living Springs, a documentary about the history, science, culture and spiritual practices at Barton Springs, the crown natural jewel of Austin.  With the turquoise water and cool breezes embodying many important values for Austin, so the Living Springs project will be used to reach out to our community and keep the Springs in people’s minds.

Currently, there is only $1,700 left to raise for the funds to complete Living Springs.  Previous fundraising proceeds have been used to create six new videos to the interactive documentary and three screenings at the Springs, including an August screening for 242 people.  Current fundraising proceeds will go towards completing the project so that it can be installed at SPLASH!

In order to facilitate this, the project is having an on-line fundraiser. You can either donate on-line at www.rally.org/livingsprings or send a check to the address listed on the web site.

No amount is too small! All contributions are greaty appreciated!

How to Donate to FBSP

You can donate online at the Austin Parks Foundation donation website HERE.  You can also make a check out to Austin Parks Foundation with “Friends of Barton Springs Pool” in the subject line by mailing the check to Austin Parks Foundation, 507 Calles Street, Suite 116, Austin, Texas  78702.


Thanks!  Your donation goes to fund projects at the Pool, tools for volunteers, and our tree planting initiatives to ensure that Barton Springs Pool will be preserved for generations to come. Continue reading “How to Donate to FBSP”