
On March 2-3, 2017, Amplify Austin’s day of online giving begins, so please support one of the following groups: Barton Springs Conservancy, Hill Country Conservancy, and Save Our Springs Alliance.  While Friends of Barton Springs is not participating in AmplifyATX this year, we recommend that you support any or all of these groups.  Each is working in different but complementary ways to preserve and protect Barton Springs, and they deserve our support.

And if anyone wants to help one of our FBSP board members, please contribute to Mike Cannatti’s donation page (https://amplifyatx.ilivehereigivehere.org/CannattiCashForSplash2017) since he has promised, for any donation of $70 or more, to officially “go jump in the Springs” with a beautiful, beflowered rubber bathing cap (you have to see it to believe it) and send you a commemorative video in gratitude for your support.

Thanks for your love and support!

PRESS RELEASE: Eighth Annual “Give 5% to Mother Earth” Campaign Unites Environmental Nonprofits with Local Business Community

AUSTIN, TX – February 9, 2017 – FriendUntitleds of Barton Springs Pool, along with eight other environmental non-profits, is encouraging the Central Texas community to eat, shop, play, and more to support the “Give 5% to Mother Earth” campaign – taking place at local business locations all over Austin on Earth Day, April 21, 2017!

“Give 5% to Mother Earth” is a collaboration between Shoal Creek Conservancy, Hill Country Conservancy, Austin Parks Foundation, Sustainable Food Center, Pease Park Conservancy, Waller Creek Conservancy, TreeFolks, The Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund, and Friends of Barton Springs Pool.  Local businesses have committed to donate five percent of gross sales on Earth Day to these non-profits that dedicate their time and energy into making Central Texas a better place.

With the number of new businesses and sponsors involved, as well as additional non-profit beneficiaries, the campaign has become a significant source of funding for our environmental community, as well as a model for similar programs around the nation.  Now we need Austin to help make the outcome this year bigger and better than ever!

In its eighth year, the “Give 5% to Mother Earth” campaign has become a substantial source of annual fundraising for each beneficiary. Since inception, the campaign has raised thousands of dollars for environmental non-profits that work year round to better the local environment in multiple ways.  By participating in this campaign, local business owners and the community are making a significant positive impact on the future of Austin’s natural resources.

Last year, the Give 5% Campaign raised $50,000, and our goal in 2017 is to double our impact and raise $100,000 for our nonprofit partners. We are so thankful to you and all of our business partners for your contributions to this goal and mission!

For more a full list of participating businesses and sponsor and “Give 5% to Mother Earth” events, visit AustinGive5.org.  If you would like to sign up to participate online the new link to do that is: https://austingive5.org/for-businesses/#signup


One Last(?) Pitch for the Living Springs Kickstarter Campaign (http://kck.st/2a0cgME)

If we may make what, in all likelihood, could very well be our last pitch for the Living Springs Kickstarter Campaign, you should know that the campaign is close, but not quite across the finish line.  The Kickstarter campaign deadline is Tuesday, August 16th at 11:00 a.m., so it’s now or nothing!

If you haven’t already (and thank you if you  have), you can make a donation here (http://kck.st/2a0cgME) before midnight tonight (August 11) and there will be a $500 matching grant in play.

More details about the upcoming video project are posted here, but you already know this is a worthy cause.  So pitch in, enjoy a well-deserved sense of satisfaction for helping with a great cause, and then come down to the Full Moon Swim on Thursday, August 18 for a celebration screening of Spirit Waters, “More a State than a Place,” Plants of Barton Springs, and Waterworks.  (As a reminder, the pool is now charging on the full moon nights, so while the screening is free, the swim is not.  Swim early, get your hand stamped and then swim after, either way it will be a fun a relaxing evening.)

Thanks for considering this shameless pitch for a worthy project!

Sunday Donor Plunge for Living Springs Kickstarter Campaign (July 31, 8:30am)

To support the Kickstarter campaign for the Livings Springs Interactive Documentary, Karen Kocher’s amazing and beautifully crafted labor of love, we’re asking every Friend and swimmer to pitch into the campaign (http://kck.st/2a0cgME), and then join us this Sunday (July 31, 8:30am) at the Springs for a Morning Leap!  If we all pitch in just $10, Karen can reach her fundraising goal, but any contribution helps.  Donate now (http://kck.st/2a0cgME), tell your friends, and join us for the Sunday Donor Plunge!!!!!!