
I am proud to report that we have sponsored 3 volunteer pool cleaning events this season and we are actively seeking out corporate sponsor’s to sign up for a employee team building event by volunteering at the pool. Our most recent pool cleaning in May we had a very hardy group from Whole Foods that I think had a blast making the pool shine brightly

One of the activities that we are having difficulties with accomplishing is removal of ligustrum in an area behind the diving board. The reason being that area also has a lot of poison ivy which if you are allergic to like me you avoid at any cost. We are looking for folks that are not allergic to poison ivy and are willing to get in there and remove as much ligustrum as possible. There are a lot of good plants in that area that we will need to identify, avoid and even provide a little TLC which will be much easier once we have the ligustrum removed. If anyone wants to help with that during our first Thursday of the month volunteer pool cleaning please contact me at president@friendsofbartonspringspool.org or seek me out at the pool I am wearing the yellow hat.

It has come to our attention that the irrigation system on the south side is not able to use spring water for irrigation due to some issues with the pump. FBSP is working with BSP Staff to get this spring water pumping system back online and we will keep you updated as we know more.

Kudos, to Domingo (BSP Staff) for coordinating a replanting effort in the gardens surrounding the bathhouse FBSP heard about this effort and applied for a grant from Austin Parks Foundation (APF) to cover the cost of plants. Check it out I think it looks great!

Hats off to the folks at ABGB Hell Yes they have become a regulars at all our pool cleaning events this year!! Another group we have come to rely on are the folks from Benchmark they alternate with a team of guys and gals and they always come ready to work.

Coming soon we are in the process of organizing a special event to commemorate the grand opening of the Eliza Day Lighting project. No word on when that will be but we are in the loop for getting that date as soon as possible. We are looking forward to getting that work done.

APF grants are what we use to invest in tools for cleaning at the pool and again this year we will be applying for that grant money. If you get a chance give a shout out to APF for creating this opportunity to keep our tool inventory adequate for our needs.

We are also working with a group of stakeholders to repopulate the plants in the pool. When the pool floods much of the plants are scoured away and there is solid evidence that the water quality of the pool is improved with a healthy plant population. So keep your snorkel clean and clear and maybe you will see some of that effort in the very near future.

We have t-shirts($15), and towels($25) with the FBSP Logo that are available for a donation. We will be sponsoring a booth at the south side entrance on Sun(7/2) from 10:00 – 4:00 so come on by and have a chat, get a shirt and sign up to volunteer on Thurs(7/6).

See you at the pool,
Steve Barnick
FBSP President