On March 2-3, 2017, Amplify Austin’s day of online giving begins, so please support one of the following groups: Barton Springs Conservancy, Hill Country Conservancy, and Save Our Springs Alliance. While Friends of Barton Springs is not participating in AmplifyATX this year, we recommend that you support any or all of these groups. Each is working in different but complementary ways to preserve and protect Barton Springs, and they deserve our support.
And if anyone wants to help one of our FBSP board members, please contribute to Mike Cannatti’s donation page (https://amplifyatx.ilivehereigivehere.org/CannattiCashForSplash2017) since he has promised, for any donation of $70 or more, to officially “go jump in the Springs” with a beautiful, beflowered rubber bathing cap (you have to see it to believe it) and send you a commemorative video in gratitude for your support.
Thanks for your love and support!