Support Barton Springs Pool!
Join us as we Amplify Austin by donating to Friends of Barton Springs Pool through the Amplify Austin campaign on March 20-21, 2014. Your donation supports our work to protect, restore, improve and maintain Barton Springs Pool – Austin’s Crown Jewel and natural treasure. Beginning this Thursday, March 20 at 6:00 PM, Friends of Barton Springs Pool joins 500 local non-profits trying to collectively raise 4 million dollars during a 24-hour period of online giving.
Visit the Friends of Barton Springs Pool’s Amplify Austin page.
Our volunteers are happy to help clean the springs, and are even happier to have your Amplify Austin donation. Your donation will support Friends of Barton Springs Pool in our work to help restore and renovate the Barton Springs Pool Bathhouse, and to help organize monthly cleaning events that bring in scores of swimmers and friends of Barton Springs to work beside the staff to clean the Pool. Such funds are used in our monthly volunteer pool cleanings to to purchase cleaning equipment and tools, food, and refreshments. Friends of Barton Springs Pool also raises funds to purchase new trees in the pool area.